Project Planning part 2

Remote Made Easy boat with workers in-route to a delivery on a foggy day.

In our last post we started the discussion about planning your “off the road system” project.  Once we’ve got the location and have developed the time frame for delivery based on access, forecasted weather and conditions, we look at the best way to offload cargo / pump fuel. Questions that come up relative to cargo […]

Remote Made Easy: Making Your Deliveries Worth It in Southeast Alaska

An up-close shot of the front end of a Remote Made Easy boat delivering 50-gallon drums.

Recently, after providing a potential customer with an estimate, they posed a simple yet essential question: “Is it worth it?” It’s a question we all ask ourselves when considering various options, weighing factors like time, cost, comfort, and confidence. Remote Made Easy specializes in delivering fuel, freight, and passengers to remote locations throughout Southern Southeast […]

Introducing Our Landing Craft, the Remote Supplier

A Remote Made Easy boat in the ocean with a foggy shoreline in the distance.

Remote Made Easy is proud to operate the Remote Supplier, a 44-foot landing craft that is certified by the U.S. Coast Guard to carry fuel, freight, and passengers. This vessel is uniquely designed for use in the challenging waters of Southeast Alaska, and it is the first of its kind in the United States to […]

Providing Support to the Ketchikan Airport Project

An aerial shot of the Ketchikan airport and mountains.

As construction continues at the Ketchikan Airport on Gravina Island, Remote Made Easy is proud to be playing a role in the project by delivering fuel and building supplies to the site.  Located on a remote island in the Alexander Archipelago of Southeast Alaska, the Ketchikan Airport is undergoing a major expansion and upgrade to […]