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Navigating Remote Winter Logistics in Ketchikan, Alaska

Winter in Ketchikan, Alaska brings unique logistical challenges, from harsh weather to remote locations. At Remote Made Easy, we’re well-prepared to ensure a seamless supply delivery experience throughout the season. Here are the services we offer to keep you supplied and warm during winter: Ketchikan’s winters are beautiful but challenging. Count on Remote Made Easy […]

Navigating a Successful Summer Season in Southeast Alaska

A scenic view of the ocean and a cross on the shoreline with a Remote Made Easy landing craft in-route.

As we sail through the first half of the busy summer season aboard the Remote Supplier, our dedicated crew has been hard at work, making deliveries to various outlying fishing lodges and hatcheries. Mindful of the varied Southeast Alaska summer weather, we’ve embarked on journeys that connect us with both valued customers and nature’s beauty. […]

Reliable Transportation Solutions for Metlakatla: Delivering Essential Supplies and More

A docked Remote Made Easy boat with workers onboard.

Discover how our small transportation company, equipped with a USCG-certified 44-foot landing craft, offers reliable transportation solutions for Metlakatla. With our USCG-certified 44-foot landing craft, we are equipped to deliver essential supplies, offer fuel transfers, and provide comprehensive logistical support. We’re committed to serving the unique needs of Metlakatla. We go beyond traditional transportation services […]

Introducing Our Landing Craft, the Remote Supplier

A Remote Made Easy boat in the ocean with a foggy shoreline in the distance.

Remote Made Easy is proud to operate the Remote Supplier, a 44-foot landing craft that is certified by the U.S. Coast Guard to carry fuel, freight, and passengers. This vessel is uniquely designed for use in the challenging waters of Southeast Alaska, and it is the first of its kind in the United States to […]