As spring approaches, it’s heartening to see the snow gradually melting away with the rain. During this first week of March, Remote Made Easy has been receiving calls from customers eager to schedule their spring deliveries as they gear up for the season.
In the face of rising prices across the board, Remote Made Easy has worked to maintain our vessel rates for the Remote Supplier since 2022. This achievement is attributed to our efficient operations and the expertise of our crew, who draw upon their knowledge of the area and the unique needs of our customers. Whenever feasible, we consolidate deliveries across multiple stops, effectively spreading the vessel cost among more people and reducing individual shares.
Remote Made Easy specializes in making fuel, freight, and passenger transport seamless throughout southern Southeast Alaska. Our 44-foot landing craft, the Remote Supplier, is certified by the U.S. Coast Guard to carry fuel, freight, and passengers. It’s designed for Southeast waters and can deliver to either docks or beaches. Our typical range extends from Hyder, Alaska to the south, and Petersburg, Alaska to the north. Whether you need fuel, mining supplies, building materials, groceries, or even a piano delivered, we’ve got you covered. We also offer septic pump-out services and operate with safety and reliability in mind.
For your spring projects, consider reaching out to Remote Made Easy at 907-228-7783. Where we provide Solutions Beyond Expectations!
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